Team Catchup Minutes

Meeting started by dan-shearer[m] at 2022-06-10 08:03:20+0000 (full logs).


  1. Labhraich (aka Claudio) - 42 lines (16%)
  2. MartinaPalmucci[ (aka Martina) - 8 lines (3%)
  3. bjk621[m] (aka Björn Johansson) - 19 lines (7%)
  4. dan-shearer[m] (aka Dan) - 102 lines (40%)
  5. lumosql-meetbot - 11 lines (4%)
  6. moonshine[m] (aka Gabby) - 5 lines (2%)
  7. rubdos[m] (aka Ruben) - 70 lines (27%)

Meeting Summary

  1. Prologue (dan-shearer[m], 08:03:20)
    1. MEETING_NAME: Team Catchup (dan-shearer[m], 08:04:54)
  2. Admin items (dan-shearer[m], 08:06:23)
    1. INFO: I want to thank Kenneth J. Pronovici for his efforts to add features and fix bugs in the meetbot for us. (dan-shearer[m], 08:06:53)
    2. INFO: Hcoop-Meetbot 0.61 now keeps all data in a canonical JSON format, and we can regenerate the formatted text every time we add a useful new feature. (dan-shearer[m], 08:07:56)
    3. INFO: Dan appears to no longer be unwell. This is very good indeed. I did a soak test Wed-Thurs this week. (dan-shearer[m], 08:08:55)
    4. INFO: Gabby and I have figured out how the website architecture will work, and she has full access to to prototype that before it gets switched live. The generated mdbook docs will be the main pages with links to Fossil throughout. Identical Fossil links to what we have now. (dan-shearer[m], 08:13:05)
    5. ACTION: Björn Johansson send receipts to NLnet before they send a missile to Göteborg (dan-shearer[m], 08:16:53)
    6. ACTION: Thibaut will give some feedback on Martina's code. (rubdos[m], 08:21:39)
  3. ABE updarte (dan-shearer[m], 08:23:08)
    1. INFO: Ruben is working on a proof-of-concept LumoSQL-privilege-to-ABE module that will be compliant with Labhraich 's draft API. (rubdos[m], 08:24:06)
    2. INFO: Labhraich still need to finish typing the changes discussed (Labhraich, 08:24:27)
    3. LINK: SSS implementation is in here (MartinaPalmucci[, 08:25:21)
    4. ACTION: Claudio to finish the API spec including the changes discussed (Labhraich, 08:25:46)
    5. ACTION: Ruben to continue working the SQL-PE ABE PoC plugin for LumoSQL, planned week of the 20th. (rubdos[m], 08:26:33)
    6. ACTION: Send Claudio changes to draft API spec. Oops. (dan-shearer[m], 08:28:01)
    7. INFO: MongoDB released a searchable encryption feature, not unlike the LumoSQL-PE idea (rubdos[m], 08:32:25)
    8. LINK: (rubdos[m], 08:32:28)
    9. INFO: Their goal is to implement fast searching on the server, without the server being able to read the data. This is searchable encryption, which by definition leaks stuff. The model for LumoSQL is quite a bit stricter, we don't want these leaks, and we will not have them, because the person searching the database has access to the plaintext, by definition. (rubdos[m], 08:33:31)
    10. INFO: Martina is working on Rust code to implement ABE functionality in a way that is easy to try out and validate. That will eventually be our model for implementing ABE in LumoSQL. (dan-shearer[m], 08:33:57)
    11. ACTION: Speak to MongoDB crypto research team, with a summary paragraph that the Lumo team has first agreed. (dan-shearer[m], 08:36:25)
  4. Metadata API (dan-shearer[m], 08:43:49)
    1. ACTION: Claudio to collect all comments on the Metadata API, write a new draft and commit to fossil (Labhraich, 08:49:25)
  5. Docs (dan-shearer[m], 08:50:58)
    1. ACTION: Dan to review the pipeline Gabby has constructed and commit changes to fossil. (dan-shearer[m], 08:51:38)
    2. ACTION: Gabby to consolidate docs into one directory and make sure links work right (moonshine[m], 08:55:02)
  6. Benchmarking Results (dan-shearer[m], 08:57:32)
    1. ACTION: Pick up from where we left... I think there is a giant pile of results on the cluster, but some of them got deleted by a ClusterFart, and they need to be consolidated and pushed into R (dan-shearer[m], 08:58:10)
    2. ACTION: update the R results and make a first draft solution for incorporating the results into the new mdbook website. (dan-shearer[m], 08:59:08)
    3. ACTION: ping Ruben with info about what jobs are coming and their scope. (dan-shearer[m], 09:02:08)
  7. Release Management (dan-shearer[m], 09:02:42)
    1. INFO: The first thing lots of people ask me and Gabby is "so when can I try something out?" Our answer is "some months", because "some" is all of: quantum, Shrödinger and elastic. (dan-shearer[m], 09:03:53)
    2. ACTION: Write up the process for making an SQL language modification in SQLite, no matter what the modification is. For example, adding the command "FROBNICATE" (dan-shearer[m], 09:16:56)
    3. HELP: (rubdos[m], 09:18:05)
    4. HELP: (bjk621[m], 09:18:19)
    5. LINK: lists the useful commands (dan-shearer[m], 09:18:24)
    6. MOTION: Meeting in two weeks. Vote for is in two weeks. Against in one week. (dan-shearer[m], 09:28:27)
    7. VOTE: +1 (rubdos[m], 09:28:33)
    8. VOTE: +1 (dan-shearer[m], 09:28:46)
    9. VOTE: +1 (Labhraich, 09:28:56)
    10. VOTE: -1 (moonshine[m], 09:29:08)
    11. VOTE: +1 (moonshine[m], 09:29:17)
    12. ACCEPTED: Motion accepted: 4 in favor to 1 opposed (dan-shearer[m], 09:30:27)
    13. ACTION: Claudio to make minor changes to not-forking to help with the generation of "stable" tarballs (as discussed on IRC) (Labhraich, 09:31:39)
Meeting ended at 2022-06-10 09:31:57+0000 (full logs).

Action Items

  1. Björn Johansson send receipts to NLnet before they send a missile to Göteborg (link)
  2. Thibaut will give some feedback on Martina's code. (link)
  3. Claudio to finish the API spec including the changes discussed (link)
  4. Ruben to continue working the SQL-PE ABE PoC plugin for LumoSQL, planned week of the 20th. (link)
  5. Send Claudio changes to draft API spec. Oops. (link)
  6. Speak to MongoDB crypto research team, with a summary paragraph that the Lumo team has first agreed. (link)
  7. Claudio to collect all comments on the Metadata API, write a new draft and commit to fossil (link)
  8. Dan to review the pipeline Gabby has constructed and commit changes to fossil. (link)
  9. Gabby to consolidate docs into one directory and make sure links work right (link)
  10. Pick up from where we left... I think there is a giant pile of results on the cluster, but some of them got deleted by a ClusterFart, and they need to be consolidated and pushed into R (link)
  11. update the R results and make a first draft solution for incorporating the results into the new mdbook website. (link)
  12. ping Ruben with info about what jobs are coming and their scope. (link)
  13. Write up the process for making an SQL language modification in SQLite, no matter what the modification is. For example, adding the command "FROBNICATE" (link)
  14. Claudio to make minor changes to not-forking to help with the generation of "stable" tarballs (as discussed on IRC) (link)

Action Items by Attendee

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