08:03:20 <dan-shearer[m]> #startmeeting 
08:03:20 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Meeting started at 2022-06-10T08:03+0000
08:03:21 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Current chairs: dan-shearer[m]
08:03:22 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Useful commands: #action #info #idea #link #topic #motion #vote #close #endmeeting
08:03:23 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: See also: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
08:03:24 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Participants should now identify themselves with '#here' or with an alias like '#here FirstLast'
08:03:35 <Labhraich> #here Claudio
08:03:43 <bjk621[m]> #here Björn Johansson
08:03:44 <dan-shearer[m]> #here Dan
08:03:47 <Labhraich> I suppose.  Not sure brain is working but I'm here
08:03:53 <moonshine[m]> #here Gabby
08:04:09 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben did say he would be around iirc
08:04:38 <rubdos[m]> #here Ruben
08:04:45 <rubdos[m]> lost track of time, sorry!
08:04:54 <dan-shearer[m]> #meetingname Team Catchup
08:04:54 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Meeting name set to: Team Catchup
08:04:54 <rubdos[m]> Martina Palmucci was joining too for an hour
08:05:33 <MartinaPalmucci[> #here Martina
08:05:38 <bjk621[m]> I have a hard deadline at 1130 Brussels (ie 1.5h)
08:06:03 <MartinaPalmucci[> Yes, I can join till 1100 Brussels
08:06:09 <dan-shearer[m]> ... that is the complete set
08:06:23 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic Admin items
08:06:53 <dan-shearer[m]> #info I want to thank Kenneth J. Pronovici for his efforts to add features and fix bugs in the meetbot for us.
08:07:35 <bjk621[m]> Tell me when NLnet starts to become mad, ie a little before. I still owe them receipts etc. Will do shortly
08:07:56 <dan-shearer[m]> #info Hcoop-Meetbot 0.61 now keeps all data in a canonical JSON format, and we can regenerate the formatted text every time we add a useful new feature. https://github.com/pronovic/hcoop-meetbot
08:08:55 <dan-shearer[m]> #info Dan appears to no longer be unwell. This is very good indeed. I did a soak test Wed-Thurs this week.
08:09:08 <rubdos[m]> What's a soak test?
08:09:20 <rubdos[m]> soaking a dan for half an hour to see whether it still shows red on a covid test?
08:09:34 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: when you subject a component to constant stress testing
08:09:38 <bjk621[m]> I happy to here. Usually bad to stress-test humans
08:09:50 <rubdos[m]> Aha, good to hear
08:09:52 <bjk621[m]> *hear
08:10:27 <dan-shearer[m]> Also learned: in Portgugal it is good luck to break a drinking glass, but only the first one. The second one brings a curse. I have excellent luck now.
08:11:12 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: that's rude. I live in Scotland where there is constant rain so that happens automatically. There is about half as much rain as in Belgium.
08:11:52 <rubdos[m]> So you're saying you went for a walk; gotcha!
08:12:29 <Labhraich> It's been raining here too, it looked like Glasgow the other day
08:13:03 <bjk621[m]> we call it summer
08:13:05 <dan-shearer[m]> #info Gabby and I have figured out how the website architecture will work, and she has full access to web.lumosql.org to prototype that before it gets switched live. The generated mdbook docs will be the main pages with links to Fossil throughout. Identical Fossil links to what we have now.
08:13:29 <dan-shearer[m]> Labhraich: really?! With Rangers fans and everything?
08:13:39 <Labhraich> No, just the rain
08:13:50 <Labhraich> I think the Rangers fans were in some other city
08:14:06 <rubdos[m]> Our rain looked a lot like rivers on the television. Quite insane.
08:15:13 <dan-shearer[m]> bjk621or anyone else... I can never remember... if we go "#here First Last" does the space cause a problem? I don't know how to "#action Björn" or "#action Björn Johansson".
08:15:58 <Labhraich> Well, I've seen the river path here look like.....    https://paste.c-net.org/TeacherJoker
08:16:05 <rubdos[m]> No, it's the nicknames that caused the problem
08:16:16 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: thanks
08:16:53 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Björn Johansson send receipts to NLnet before they send a missile to Göteborg
08:17:32 <dan-shearer[m]> Any other general items or actions?
08:17:47 <bjk621[m]> #accepted 
08:18:01 <dan-shearer[m]> Wow we had no rain anything like that. A few minor spinkles and mostly hot sun.
08:18:11 <Labhraich> Can't think of anything - apart that I need to find some concentration so I can finish the various Lumo things I'm supposed to finish
08:19:13 <dan-shearer[m]> Labhraich: is there anything annoying that gets in the way of that concentration? Like feedback for X, or an API for Y, or a paper reference for Z to save reinventing wheels?
08:19:33 <dan-shearer[m]> Please assume my memory is doing an fsck at the moment.
08:20:23 <dan-shearer[m]> Martina Palmucci: didn't you finish a piece of work? Like "#info Martina finished the Rust SSS code", or something like that (memory issues)
08:20:44 <Labhraich> No, I need more sleep during the night and less during the day...
08:21:18 <MartinaPalmucci[> Yes, I did. Still needs to be checked by Ruben and Thibaut
08:21:39 <rubdos[m]> #action Thibaut will give some feedback on Martina's code.
08:21:40 <rubdos[m]> I'll see to tha.
08:21:42 <rubdos[m]> t
08:21:55 <dan-shearer[m]> Well done. Maybe you can remind us (me) with a #link https://github. I know you did before.
08:22:15 <MartinaPalmucci[> Ok, doing
08:22:40 <dan-shearer[m]> Can the next topic be ABE?
08:22:47 <rubdos[m]> it can
08:22:50 <rubdos[m]> there's not a lot too say
08:22:55 <rubdos[m]> I can probably summarize in one #inf
08:23:08 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic ABE updarte
08:24:06 <rubdos[m]> #info Ruben is working on a proof-of-concept LumoSQL-privilege-to-ABE module that will be compliant with Labhraich 's draft API.
08:24:21 <rubdos[m]> Maybe rather: was working on, because I finished now a paper with Martina, and I'm writing another one
08:24:27 <Labhraich> #info Labhraich still need to finish typing the changes discussed
08:24:39 <rubdos[m]> next week, I have Signal stuff scheduled, but the week thereafter should be a Lumo-week again.
08:24:58 <dan-shearer[m]> Labhraich: so you action is: finish the changes and then check in a first version to API spec?
08:25:02 <rubdos[m]> I also received major revisions for a 2020-submitted paper which is awesome, because waiting 1y6m is aweful.
08:25:08 <rubdos[m]> So I'll have a drink tonight.
08:25:21 <MartinaPalmucci[> #link https://github.com/martinapalmucci/abe-sss/tree/devel SSS implementation is in here
08:25:21 <rubdos[m]> dan-shearer[m]: That and send me the changes
08:25:22 <Labhraich> I'll say what my two pending actions are with an action item...
08:25:46 <Labhraich> #action Claudio to finish the API spec including the changes discussed
08:26:08 <Labhraich> (The other one I'll save for later when the topic changes)
08:26:33 <rubdos[m]> #action Ruben to continue working the SQL-PE ABE PoC plugin for LumoSQL, planned week of the 20th.
08:27:01 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok so Ruben is mostly not on Lumo until week after next.
08:27:12 <dan-shearer[m]> But Martina is writing Rust code related to ABE?
08:28:01 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Send Claudio changes to draft API spec. Oops.
08:28:34 <MartinaPalmucci[> dan-shearer[m]: Yes, I am
08:28:47 <rubdos[m]> Maybe don't forget about your exams either ;-)
08:29:27 <dan-shearer[m]> Yes, this is about status not pushing for progress.
08:31:49 <rubdos[m]> Oh, important thing to still mention. I've gone over the MongoDB post this morning.
08:31:57 <MartinaPalmucci[> I am working on both rn, but I will focus mostly only on my exam from the mid of next week. Then, I will start again working on both from the end of June
08:32:25 <MartinaPalmucci[> s/only//
08:32:25 <rubdos[m]> #info MongoDB released a searchable encryption feature, not unlike the LumoSQL-PE idea
08:32:28 <rubdos[m]> #link https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/mongodb-releases-queryable-encryption-preview
08:33:31 <rubdos[m]> #info Their goal is to implement fast searching on the server, without the server being able to read the data. This is searchable encryption, which by definition leaks stuff. The model for LumoSQL is quite a bit stricter, we don't want these leaks, and we will not have them, because the person searching the database has access to the plaintext, by definition.
08:33:39 <rubdos[m]> It's interesting nonetheless!
08:33:57 <dan-shearer[m]> #info Martina is working on Rust code to implement ABE functionality in a way that is easy to try out and validate. That will eventually be our model for implementing ABE in LumoSQL.
08:34:41 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: that agrees with my analysis (except I am not knowledgable to say "by definition" on the server side.)
08:35:50 <dan-shearer[m]> This also means that the general awareness of database encryption just went up quite a lot. We want to be part of a new movement, not the only people attempting to say "crypto databases matter." Thankyou mongo, and Dan will be in touch ;-)
08:35:57 <rubdos[m]> agrees wholeheartedly
08:36:25 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Speak to MongoDB crypto research team, with a summary paragraph that the Lumo team has first agreed.
08:36:55 <rubdos[m]> nb, we have quite a different security model too
08:37:01 <dan-shearer[m]> Yeah
08:37:06 <rubdos[m]> adversary model, that is
08:37:43 <dan-shearer[m]> Yes. And Mongo will probably have the usual "SQLite is not a database" view as well. Everything is backwards.
08:38:03 <rubdos[m]> that's fine by me. Everyone entitled to their opinions
08:38:13 <dan-shearer[m]> Although as I said before, it's great that they say "we provide some key management facilities but basically its up to the end user". Just like us.
08:38:16 <rubdos[m]> Shouldn't pose a problem in a civilised discussion
08:39:00 <Labhraich> I suppose it doesn't help that somewhere in the sqlite docs says "don't think of it as a database, but as an optimised fopen()"... people might just get the wrong idea from that
08:39:12 <Labhraich> But it doesn't matter what we call it, only what it does.
08:39:52 <rubdos[m]> it behaves like an RDB with SQL, so it's an RBD with SQL
08:40:00 <rubdos[m]> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
08:40:05 <Labhraich> rubdos[m]: exactly
08:41:02 <dan-shearer[m]> And it is dealing with volumes of data that often approach a real database. No longer a toy on a tiny phone when the phone has 1TiB storage. So now that we have reassured ourselves that the worlds most-deployed database is in fact a database, next topic?
08:41:58 <dan-shearer[m]> (Dan can't remember what we are calling Claudio's subsystem these days)
08:42:21 <rubdos[m]> extension interface?
08:42:23 <rubdos[m]> not sure
08:42:30 <Labhraich> LumoSQL extension API?
08:42:33 <dan-shearer[m]> I thought we had a name?
08:42:46 <Labhraich> If it has a name, I don't know what it is
08:43:30 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok well I will make something up. For some reason I want it to be called HAPPI but the letters don't work. I would love to add happiness to SQLite.
08:43:37 <Labhraich> But on the whiteboard it was referred to as "Metadata API" and that's what I'll be using
08:43:49 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic Metadata API
08:44:15 <bjk621[m]> A side-note: dan-shearer Do you remember happi at Virtutech?
08:45:48 <dan-shearer[m]> bjk621: yes I do! You got me. (everyone else, this refers to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtutech , when Björn was VP Engineering and I ran around shouting a lot on the gdb mailing lists and elsewhere.)
08:45:54 <Labhraich> I've put the action item for that earlier, but basically there are comments made by people (some of which might not have been sent to me - if so please do...)
08:46:03 <Labhraich> And I have to write a new draft and put it in fossil
08:46:43 <dan-shearer[m]> (ok so that was the second action you said was coming.)
08:48:08 <Labhraich> The second action is some changes to not-forking which would simplify Matthew's job and also be useful in general.
08:48:35 <Labhraich> Actually a minor change (code already exists, just needs a command-line option to make it do things)
08:48:48 <dan-shearer[m]> If you wish to make an #action in this section then do feel free. And then it's next #topic?
08:49:06 <Labhraich> I suppose I can repeat the action making it clearer
08:49:25 <Labhraich> #action Claudio to collect all comments on the Metadata API, write a new draft and commit to fossil
08:50:19 <Labhraich> And that's all for now on this topic
08:50:46 <dan-shearer[m]> Topics to come are docs, benchmarking results and release management. I think.
08:50:58 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic Docs
08:51:38 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Dan to review the pipeline Gabby has constructed and commit changes to fossil.
08:52:43 <dan-shearer[m]> As far as I understand it so far, the generated docs shouldn't be in the Fossil repo, but they will always be on the Lumo website, and anyone who has 'mdbook' can generate them locally.
08:54:48 <dan-shearer[m]> I feel the docs are at the iceberg stage, lots of work done underwater not yet visible. Working on it.
08:55:02 <moonshine[m]> #action Gabby to consolidate docs into one directory and make sure links work right
08:55:04 <Labhraich> It would seem reasonable to have the sources in fossil, but not the generated docs.  Having both would make it easier for the generated ones to be out of date in the repo
08:55:57 <dan-shearer[m]> yes, and also make the repo involved in an unnecessary commit-hook complexity. It's ok to have that stuff when needed, but let's keep it simple where possible.
08:57:04 <dan-shearer[m]> I think that's all on docs
08:57:32 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic Benchmarking Results
08:58:10 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Pick up from where we left... I think there is a giant pile of results on the cluster, but some of them got deleted by a ClusterFart, and they need to be consolidated and pushed into R
08:58:48 <rubdos[m]> You should probably just respawn those with the original script that you made. Just ignore the first x amount of jobs
08:58:51 <Labhraich> I believe we have all tools needed to collect results and consolidate databases.  If it looks like something is missing, I probably just need to update the documentation...
08:59:08 <dan-shearer[m]> #action update the R results and make a first draft solution for incorporating the results into the new mdbook website.
08:59:41 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: yes, I just need to have a way of detecting what X is. Are jobs missing or damagaged?
09:00:32 <rubdos[m]> The queue got emptied at some point
09:00:42 <rubdos[m]> so I would discard the most recent file, and start from that one
09:01:01 <dan-shearer[m]> Oh, that doesn't sound too bad.
09:01:04 <rubdos[m]> It shouldn't be bad indeed
09:01:14 <rubdos[m]> consider it a big pause button with an annoying continue procedure
09:01:15 <dan-shearer[m]> excellent.
09:01:25 <rubdos[m]> Before you kick things of, send me a ping
09:01:32 <rubdos[m]> I'll check whether the server is clean and healthy at that moment
09:02:08 <dan-shearer[m]> #action ping Ruben with info about what jobs are coming and their scope.
09:02:34 <dan-shearer[m]> good. And now time for release management (aka Whiteboard from Brussels)
09:02:42 <dan-shearer[m]> #topic Release Management
09:03:53 <dan-shearer[m]> #info The first thing lots of people ask me and Gabby is "so when can I try something out?" Our answer is "some months", because "some" is all of: quantum, Shrödinger and elastic.
09:04:17 <rubdos[m]> I'm sad to say I contribute to the elasticity
09:04:18 <dan-shearer[m]> But we did have a whiteboard and it did have some items, and we have made some progress.
09:04:34 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: snap
09:05:10 <bjk621[m]> We have to revise the timeline. We did not make all things to May15
09:05:25 <Labhraich> I'm sure I've been stretching hours into months and shrinking months into hours, in a random fashion
09:05:28 <bjk621[m]> So what is the revised timeline?
09:07:28 <dan-shearer[m]> Humph. well, I think picking an imaginary number can just make us feel pressured. Let's break it down a bit
09:07:36 <dan-shearer[m]> finds that whiteboard image...
09:08:11 <moonshine[m]> uploaded an image: (82KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/1312.media/zEpPoqpWgyMoQjOALupYuluo/IMG_20220406_165613.jpg >
09:08:20 <dan-shearer[m]> Thankyou moonshine
09:08:45 <dan-shearer[m]> So reading from the top...
09:09:30 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben's VUB crypto project is about C code which implements Martina's algorithms in SQLite via Claudio's Metadata API
09:09:59 <rubdos[m]> Labhraich: same
09:10:06 <rubdos[m]> things that seem to take long time are short, and vice versa
09:10:19 <dan-shearer[m]> The C code isn't beginning to start until week Monday 20th.
09:10:31 <rubdos[m]> I wouldn't even say that
09:10:36 <rubdos[m]> I'm writing it in Rust and binding it to C at the moment
09:10:59 <dan-shearer[m]> So the above two comments about perceived time (from Ruben and Claudio) are exactly why there is such an animal as a VP of Engineering.
09:11:18 <dan-shearer[m]> Let's keep going down that whiteboard
09:11:27 <Labhraich> On the whiteboard it says "Alpha 2".  Presumably (partially) so it can wait for "Alpha 1" to include a reasonable draft of the API...
09:11:41 <Labhraich> Which is the second item and I've already put an action about that
09:12:10 <Labhraich> I'm going to try for end of June unless people feel I need to make it faster (if possible)
09:12:30 <rubdos[m]> rubdos[m]: For context: Labhraich 's API allows this in almost trivial fashion.
09:12:43 <dan-shearer[m]> And me and Gabby between us have action items above relating to the Statistics, Website and Docs points on the whiteboard.
09:12:56 <Labhraich> The API as discussed, yes.  The one as actually written at the moment... not quite
09:13:25 <rubdos[m]> Labhraich: Don't worry about that; the same is true for all three layers that I'm studying too.
09:13:36 <dan-shearer[m]> Also for context: if anyone things that Rust binding to C is not cool, a few thousand people in the Linux kernel disagree with you. SQLite will probably not think it is cool.
09:14:18 <rubdos[m]> The nice thing is, it doesn't impose a dep on Rust for LumoSQL this way
09:14:18 <rubdos[m]> yay
09:14:25 <rubdos[m]> not a hard dep, that is.
09:14:32 <dan-shearer[m]> So we have two items that have had absolutely zero progress, and both of them involve me: Release Script and SQL language modifications.
09:14:33 <rubdos[m]> anyway, continue. That's mostly beside the point anyway.
09:14:51 <rubdos[m]> We have at least talked about SQL language modifications, although it was very brief
09:14:58 <dan-shearer[m]> I think it is fair to say that Release Script needs to wait until Alpha 1 really.
09:15:24 <Labhraich> I offered at the time of writing the whiteboard to help with a release script - but I actually have no idea at this point what people would want it to actually do
09:16:09 <Labhraich> Maybe once we have some form of ALpha 1 release we can then come back here and discuss how to automate things
09:16:56 <dan-shearer[m]> #action Write up the process for making an SQL language modification in SQLite, no matter what the modification is. For example, adding the command "FROBNICATE"
09:17:23 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok so here we are at the frustrating bit.
09:17:42 <dan-shearer[m]> Everyone present has made some effort and some degree of progress on almost all of the items on the whiteboard.
09:17:57 <bjk621[m]> #commands 
09:17:57 <lumosql-meetbot> bjk621[m]: Unknown command: #commands
09:18:05 <rubdos[m]> #help 
09:18:19 <bjk621[m]> #help 
09:18:24 <dan-shearer[m]> #link https://lumosql.org/src/lumosql/doc/tip/doc/lumosql-meetbot.md lists the useful commands
09:18:25 <rubdos[m]> slaps lumosql-meetbot with a large trout.
09:19:47 <dan-shearer[m]> I think Björn is probably looking for "#accepted we are all amazing successes" or "#item Björn to counsel team members individually", commands like that?
09:20:04 <dan-shearer[m]> no the second one would be #action
09:20:30 <bjk621[m]> exactly, btw I will leave in 5min
09:20:43 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: "help" does not do what you think it does. It puts an entry in the notes saying that the person wants help with something or other.
09:20:54 <rubdos[m]> takes note.
09:21:02 <dan-shearer[m]> bjk621: we need your advice
09:21:57 <dan-shearer[m]> You, me and Claudio have both done this many times in various roles, but only you have product release engineering time after time.
09:22:10 <Labhraich> It seems to me that there may be a slight loss of focus here and we need to go through the rest of the list on the whiteboard
09:23:09 <bjk621[m]> This is usually simple. Most of the items on the whyteboards have "owners". Focus on the ones that have no "owner" or several. Document in a light-way fashion
09:23:34 <bjk621[m]> Labhraich: agree
09:24:02 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok what doesn't have an owner.
09:24:40 <dan-shearer[m]> Note: Dan is getting mentally tired. Too much running around with Gabby way after midnight in foreign countries.
09:24:43 <Labhraich> Looking at the list, only Packaging (Nix) - there's Matthew with a question mark (and that would be Nix only, not any other packaging)
09:24:55 <Labhraich> Everything else has an owner
09:25:32 <bjk621[m]> dan-shearer: I will call you during afternoon on Ralf W
09:27:03 <bjk621[m]> All: I am happy to see you again. Let's keep up to good work!
09:27:03 <bjk621[m]> Please decide when we should have next meeting (in 1 week or in 2weeks?)
09:27:04 <bjk621[m]> Gtr
09:27:35 <dan-shearer[m]> bjk621:  Ack re call. I have a meeting for one hour from 1230 Brussels with a developer in Australia who has time and is interested in LumoSQL (met at LCA2020 in Brisbane, so that's about as long as Ruben's paper :-)
09:27:44 <rubdos[m]> I'll start a vote
09:28:03 <rubdos[m]> #motion Meeting in two weeks. Vote for is in two weeks. Against in one week.
09:28:09 <rubdos[m]> slaps meetbot
09:28:17 <rubdos[m]> I suppose that's for the chair to copy-paste
09:28:27 <dan-shearer[m]> #motion Meeting in two weeks. Vote for is in two weeks. Against in one week.
09:28:27 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Voting is open
09:28:33 <rubdos[m]> #vote +1
09:28:38 <rubdos[m]> use -1 for one week ;-)
09:28:46 <dan-shearer[m]> #vote +1
09:28:51 <Labhraich> I have a slight preference for 2 weeks as next Fri I might have to leave the house at 11:00 or something.  But no strong preference
09:28:56 <Labhraich> #vote +1
09:29:08 <moonshine[m]> #vote 
09:29:17 <moonshine[m]> #vote +1
09:29:33 <rubdos[m]> Martina left, and I assume Björn too
09:30:02 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok so I proxy vote them both as +1
09:30:12 <dan-shearer[m]> In fact I can vote multiple times I think!
09:30:13 <rubdos[m]> then you use #close
09:30:14 <dan-shearer[m]> vote +1
09:30:15 <dan-shearer[m]> vote +1
09:30:18 <rubdos[m]> hash
09:30:27 <dan-shearer[m]> #close 
09:30:27 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Motion accepted: 4 in favor to 1 opposed
09:30:28 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: In favor: rubdos[m], dan-shearer[m], Labhraich, moonshine[m]
09:30:29 <lumosql-meetbot> dan-shearer[m]: Opposed: moonshine[m]
09:30:38 <dan-shearer[m]> Ok
09:30:41 <dan-shearer[m]> This is the end of the meeting
09:30:43 <rubdos[m]> That's interesting
09:30:45 <dan-shearer[m]> Thankyou everyone
09:30:46 <Labhraich> Before we close the meeting I'll need to put my second action item which is related to Packaging (and if I document it here maybe I'll actually do it).  Apart from that I have nothing else to sau
09:30:53 <rubdos[m]> Without +1 it's against.
09:31:21 <dan-shearer[m]> Ruben De Smet: noted. I'll mention it to Kenneth.
09:31:39 <Labhraich> #action Claudio to make minor changes to not-forking to help with the generation of "stable" tarballs (as discussed on IRC)
09:31:42 <dan-shearer[m]> ok, waiting for Labhraich
09:31:45 <Labhraich> Done
09:31:49 <dan-shearer[m]> ah yes
09:31:57 <dan-shearer[m]> #endmeeting