#lumosql Minutes
Meeting started by Labhraich at 2022-02-05 10:07:20+0000 (full logs).
Meeting Summary
(Labhraich, 10:07:20)
(danshearer, 10:07:32)
Benchmarking and consolidating results
(Labhraich, 10:07:39)
(Labhraich, 10:07:43)
Could Lumions be the way to export benchmark results, and if so, do we need a plain text representation
(danshearer, 10:18:15)
we delay a precise definition on benchmark result transport until we have something more on Lumions; for the immediate use, we just join data together to have it in a single database
(Labhraich, 10:21:41)
(Labhraich, 10:22:02)
(danshearer, 10:22:06)
Motion accepted: 2 in favor to 0 opposed
(Labhraich, 10:22:29)
Claudio to write a very simple documentation on how to join "trusted" benchmark results into a single database
(Labhraich, 10:23:09)
Claudio to extend the specification of versions in build.tcl so that "all" and "latest" can be used on anything which takes a version number (or a list of versions)
(Labhraich, 10:29:08)
Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification
(Labhraich, 10:30:44)
Getting a Substantial Dataset of Results to Gabby
(Labhraich, 10:31:13)
Labhraich to scp benchmark results to server, with or without consolidating
(danshearer, 10:33:06)
It would be nice/interesting if LumoSQL commits showed up in irc
(danshearer, 10:37:51)
Claudio to double check if existing documentation in doc shows all available benchmarking / testing / filtering options, and if not update
(Labhraich, 10:41:09)
Dan to point Gabby at these meeting notes so she knows what to expect, and ask her if there is anything more she wants/needs
(danshearer, 10:41:56)
Meeting ended at 2022-02-05 10:45:41+0000 (full logs).
Labhraich (aka Claudio) - 81 lines
danshearer (aka Dan) - 45 lines
lumosql-meetbot - 11 lines
Action Items
- Claudio to write a very simple documentation on how to join "trusted" benchmark results into a single database
- Claudio to extend the specification of versions in build.tcl so that "all" and "latest" can be used on anything which takes a version number (or a list of versions)
- Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification
- Labhraich to scp benchmark results to server, with or without consolidating
- Claudio to double check if existing documentation in doc shows all available benchmarking / testing / filtering options, and if not update
- Dan to point Gabby at these meeting notes so she knows what to expect, and ask her if there is anything more she wants/needs
Action Items by Attendee
- Claudio to write a very simple documentation on how to join "trusted" benchmark results into a single database
- Claudio to extend the specification of versions in build.tcl so that "all" and "latest" can be used on anything which takes a version number (or a list of versions)
- Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification
- Labhraich to scp benchmark results to server, with or without consolidating
- Claudio to double check if existing documentation in doc shows all available benchmarking / testing / filtering options, and if not update
- Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification
- Dan to point Gabby at these meeting notes so she knows what to expect, and ask her if there is anything more she wants/needs
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