#lumosql Minutes

Meeting started by Labhraich at 2022-02-05 10:07:20+0000 (full logs).

Meeting Summary

  1. Prologue (Labhraich, 10:07:20)
    1. ATTENDEE: Dan (danshearer, 10:07:32)
  2. Benchmarking and consolidating results (Labhraich, 10:07:39)
    1. ATTENDEE: Claudio (Labhraich, 10:07:43)
    2. IDEA: Could Lumions be the way to export benchmark results, and if so, do we need a plain text representation (danshearer, 10:18:15)
    3. MOTION: we delay a precise definition on benchmark result transport until we have something more on Lumions; for the immediate use, we just join data together to have it in a single database (Labhraich, 10:21:41)
    4. VOTE: +1 (Labhraich, 10:22:02)
    5. VOTE: +1 (danshearer, 10:22:06)
    6. ACCEPTED: Motion accepted: 2 in favor to 0 opposed (Labhraich, 10:22:29)
    7. ACTION: Claudio to write a very simple documentation on how to join "trusted" benchmark results into a single database (Labhraich, 10:23:09)
    8. ACTION: Claudio to extend the specification of versions in build.tcl so that "all" and "latest" can be used on anything which takes a version number (or a list of versions) (Labhraich, 10:29:08)
    9. ACTION: Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification (Labhraich, 10:30:44)
  3. Getting a Substantial Dataset of Results to Gabby (Labhraich, 10:31:13)
    1. ACTION: Labhraich to scp benchmark results to server, with or without consolidating (danshearer, 10:33:06)
    2. IDEA: It would be nice/interesting if LumoSQL commits showed up in irc (danshearer, 10:37:51)
    3. ACTION: Claudio to double check if existing documentation in doc shows all available benchmarking / testing / filtering options, and if not update (Labhraich, 10:41:09)
    4. ACTION: Dan to point Gabby at these meeting notes so she knows what to expect, and ask her if there is anything more she wants/needs (danshearer, 10:41:56)
Meeting ended at 2022-02-05 10:45:41+0000 (full logs).


  1. Labhraich (aka Claudio) - 81 lines
  2. danshearer (aka Dan) - 45 lines
  3. lumosql-meetbot - 11 lines

Action Items

  1. Claudio to write a very simple documentation on how to join "trusted" benchmark results into a single database
  2. Claudio to extend the specification of versions in build.tcl so that "all" and "latest" can be used on anything which takes a version number (or a list of versions)
  3. Claudio and Dan to review the transport mechanism for benchmark results after we have a Lumion specification
  4. Labhraich to scp benchmark results to server, with or without consolidating
  5. Claudio to double check if existing documentation in doc shows all available benchmarking / testing / filtering options, and if not update
  6. Dan to point Gabby at these meeting notes so she knows what to expect, and ask her if there is anything more she wants/needs

Action Items by Attendee

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