Bi-weekly catchup Minutes
Meeting started by dan-shearer[m] at 2022-10-28 08:11:50+0000 (full logs).
MartinaPalmucci[ (aka Martina) - 5 lines (4%)
bjk621[m] (aka Björn) - 7 lines (5%)
dan-shearer[m] (aka Dan) - 80 lines (61%)
lumosql-meetbot` - 8 lines (6%)
moonshine[m] (aka Gabby) - 2 lines (2%)
rubdos[m] (aka Ruben) - 27 lines (20%)
valldrac[m] (aka Oscar) - 3 lines (2%)
Meeting Summary
(dan-shearer[m], 08:11:50)
Weekly catchup
(dan-shearer[m], 08:13:31)
Bi-weekly catchup
(dan-shearer[m], 08:14:10)
Admin items
(dan-shearer[m], 08:14:53)
Dan and Björn met in Göteborg to try to advance LumoSQL organisation and funding and tech resources
(dan-shearer[m], 08:15:42)
Dan is in Amsterdam Tues/Wed next week trying to do the same thing
(dan-shearer[m], 08:16:05)
There have been significant publications from Martina, Oscar and Ruben
(dan-shearer[m], 08:16:28)
Björn to propose plan for completing and claiming all remaining milestones for NLnet LumoSQL Phase II
(dan-shearer[m], 08:23:49)
LumoSQL Cryptography Documentation and Design
(dan-shearer[m], 08:28:38)
LINK: is Martina's thesis
(dan-shearer[m], 08:30:37)
Part of the thesis is a step-by-step explanation of how we get to ABE from more basic mathematical/crypto building blocks.
(dan-shearer[m], 08:32:04)
PE-SQL Update
(dan-shearer[m], 08:42:23)
SQL-PE now has some very rudimentary password-based authentication that works with Argon2 and Chacha20.
(rubdos[m], 08:44:04)
Currently, there's no record encryption yet in place, it's all about role management. The idea is to start incorporating Martina's work soonish.
(rubdos[m], 08:45:35)
Additionally, the authentication code is now generic enough to support arbitrary other auth methods
(rubdos[m], 08:48:21)
Other items and next steps
(dan-shearer[m], 08:55:05)
valldrac has pushed a first prototype of a Signal Server standalone system. This is relevant to LumoSQL in multiple ways.
(dan-shearer[m], 08:55:55)
The action item Björn took for coordinating finishing the current NLnet grant will mean individual discussions with @moonshine, Ruben De Smet , Labhraich and me for specific next steps resulting in code into repos
(dan-shearer[m], 08:57:35)
This week Labhraich added RISC-V to the list of architectures that LumoSQL supports.
(dan-shearer[m], 09:07:19)
The Molly, Sweet Lies and Whisperfish projects all want to make better Signal servers and clients, including by integrating LumoSQL. We think it's a good choice to be an early adopter of LumoSQL
(dan-shearer[m], 09:09:24)
Three people in this chat have asked me why we do not have a parallel audio or video channel to this text meeting.
(dan-shearer[m], 09:10:56)
Meeting ended at 2022-10-28 09:17:06+0000 (full logs).
Action Items
- Björn to propose plan for completing and claiming all remaining milestones for NLnet LumoSQL Phase II (link)
Action Items by Attendee
- Björn to propose plan for completing and claiming all remaining milestones for NLnet LumoSQL Phase II (link)
Generated by HCoop Meetbot v0.6.1 (09 Jun 2022)